Natural Language Understanding vs. Natural Language Generation

October 15, 2021

Natural Language Understanding vs. Natural Language Generation

As the world moves toward more automation in business operations, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is becoming more important than ever. NLP is the branch of artificial intelligence that deals with interactions between humans and computers using natural language. It has become increasingly important for Data Analytics since most data is text-based. NLP has two primary areas of focus - Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). These two areas of focus enable machines to understand human language and to generate human-like language.

What is Natural Language Understanding (NLU)?

NLU is the process by which algorithms understand human language. It involves teaching computers to understand the complexities of human language, including the nuances of grammar, syntax, and context. NLU allows machines to recognize entities, such as people, places, and events, and extract meaningful information from unstructured data sets, such as email messages, social media posts, and chat logs.

What is Natural Language Generation (NLG)?

NLG is the process of generating natural language from data or other inputs. It is the opposite of NLU — instead of teaching computers to understand human language, NLG teaches machines to generate human-like language. NLG is used to create natural-sounding narratives or reports from structured data.

Comparison between NLU and NLG:

Both NLU and NLG have their uses in Data Analytics. To compare them, let’s look at some advantages of each:

Advantages of Natural Language Understanding (NLU):

  • Allows for automated text classification.
  • Makes it easier to extract key information from unstructured data.
  • Provides insights into customer sentiment in real-time.
  • Helps in filtering out spam and irrelevant content.

Advantages of Natural Language Generation (NLG):

  • Provides automated report generation.
  • Can perform personalized marketing campaigns with better effect.
  • Automatically creates content based on structured data, reducing the number of man-hours required.
  • Protects sensitive information by presenting it in narratives.

We have seen that both NLU and NLG offer several advantages, but which one is better for your business depends on your requirements.


In conclusion, we can say that both NLU and NLG are essential for Data Analytics. While NLU enables machines to understand human language better, NLG is used to generate natural-sounding narratives or reports from structured data. As businesses become more reliant on automation, NLP becomes a critical tool in data processing. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how each of these technologies works and choose the most appropriate one for your needs.


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